Jessca first noticed Edward at church. During mass, as he Brough the basket to the altar, Jessca whispered to her sister, “I don’t know what it is about him, but he’s kinda cute!”
As Jessca started to Edward around church more often, she convinced her friend to plan a group meetup so they could all hang. Turns out her friend planned a *boys* night. Not helpful. However, soon enough these two finally met and became friends. And the more they got to know each other, the more things just felt right, and there was clearly chemistry that they both couldn’t ignore.
Fast forward to their wedding day! I had the honor of capturing these two and their ceremony at Holy Family Catholic Church followed by their reception at Forme LA, this modern nook tucked into the studios of Burbank. I had so much fun getting to spend time with Jessca and Edward! They, like so many couples, were champs with all the changes thrown at them because of Covid. They are sweet, thoughtful, and I know they have a beautiful marriage ahead of them. Congrats you two!