If you’ve ever questioned whether love at first sight is actually a thing – well, you’ve got to hear Taylor and Danielle’s story.
Taylor was dropping something off for a friend one night, and his friend happened to be at his girlfriend’s house. In the kitchen was the girlfriend’s roommate, Danielle making pizza. Their eyes met – and the sparks were instant.
I feel like so many moments from their day could be a legit plot point in a movie! Girl meets guy, girl days later takes off for a month in Italy. Girl tells her best friend with the Eiffel tower in view about this new guy. Girl meets back up with guy at home, goes on one date knows guy is the one. I could go on…it’s too good!
I’ll let their film continue their story, but I especially love the way their faith and their church community weave into the story. On our FaceTime before the wedding, we discovered we actually go to the same church here in San Diego (holler, Park Hill!) which made capturing their day extra sweet for me.
Despite getting married in a pandemic and changing their ENTIRE venue literally days before the wedding – it was all so perfect. I think that just speaks to their character and hearts of these two. It’s clear their eyes and hearts are focused on the important things in life. Gratefulness and joy just overflow out of these two. Finding each other is a gift they don’t take for granted.
Anyways – I could go on and on. Long short – these two are incredible and have an absolutely beautiful future ahead of them.
Congrats Taylor and Danielle!
Video | Regan Elizabeth Films
Photo | Brad Hart Co.
Planner | Details Darling
Venue | Estancia La Jolla